Double unders are a popular exercise in CrossFit that involve jumping rope with a single rotation of the rope performed twice while jumping. Double unders are often used in CrossFit workouts (WODs) to challenge the cardiovascular endurance and coordination of participants. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the techniques, benefits, and tips for mastering double unders in your CrossFit routine.

Understanding the Double Under Technique

To understand the double under, it is best to start with the basics of jumping rope. Jumping rope involves jumping over a rope as it rotates around your body. Beginners start with single unders, which involve rotating the jump rope only once per jump.

Jumping rope is a popular and effective exercise that provides a full-body workout while improving coordination, endurance, and cardiovascular health. It is a low-impact exercise that can be done anywhere with minimal equipment, making it an excellent choice for athletes of all levels.

The Basics of a Double Under

The double under involves rotating the jump rope twice per jump, allowing for a more challenging and intense workout. The key to performing double unders is to jump higher and rotate the rope faster than with single unders.

Many athletes struggle with the timing of the second rotation, leading to mistakes and frustration. The timing of the second rotation should occur as the jumper is at the peak of their jump, ensuring the rope has time to complete two full rotations before landing on the ground.

Double unders require a combination of speed, coordination, and endurance. They are a popular exercise among CrossFit athletes and boxers, who use them to improve footwork, agility, and overall fitness.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

One of the most common mistakes in double unders is using the arms too much, leading to excessive swinging of the rope and tripping. To avoid this, it is essential to keep the wrists relaxed and use minimal arm movement. Another common mistake is failing to maintain proper jumping form, resulting in excessive fatigue and reduced efficiency. Keeping an upright posture with the core engaged can help reduce fatigue and improve form.

It is also important to start with a slow and steady pace when first attempting double unders. Trying to go too fast too soon can lead to mistakes and frustration. Gradually increasing the speed and intensity of the exercise over time can help build endurance and improve technique.

The Importance of Proper Jump Rope Length

The length of your jump rope is critical to performing double unders effectively. A rope that is too short or too long can make it difficult to maintain the proper form and timing required for double unders. A good rule of thumb for determining the proper rope length is to stand on the middle of the rope with both feet and ensure the handles reach your armpits.

Jump ropes come in a variety of materials, including leather, nylon, and PVC. Each material has its own unique feel and durability, so it is important to choose one that is comfortable and suitable for your needs.

In addition to proper jump rope length, it is important to choose a rope with the right weight and thickness. A heavier rope can provide a more intense workout, while a lighter rope may be easier to control and maneuver.

Overall, the double under is a challenging and rewarding exercise that can help improve overall fitness and athletic performance. With proper technique, practice, and patience, anyone can master this impressive skill.

Benefits of Incorporating Double Unders into Your CrossFit Routine

Double unders have become a popular exercise in CrossFit due to their numerous benefits. In addition to being a fun and challenging exercise, double unders can help improve your overall fitness and performance. Here are some additional benefits of incorporating double unders into your routine:

Improved Cardiovascular Fitness

Double unders are a high-intensity exercise that can help improve cardiovascular fitness. By repeatedly jumping and rotating the rope, you increase your heart rate, oxygen uptake, and calorie burn. Incorporating double unders into your routine can help increase your endurance and overall cardiovascular health.

Increased Agility and Coordination

The fast-paced nature of double unders requires coordination and agility. By practicing and mastering double unders, you can improve your coordination and agility, which can help in other aspects of your CrossFit routine, such as Olympic lifting and gymnastics. Additionally, the coordination and timing required for double unders can help develop your mind-body connection.

Enhanced Muscular Endurance

Jumping rope is a full-body workout that can improve muscular endurance. Double unders require the use of core muscles, legs, and shoulders. Repeatedly performing double unders can help strengthen these muscles and improve muscular endurance. Additionally, the explosive nature of double unders can help improve your power and explosiveness in other exercises.

Boosted Mental Toughness

Double unders can be frustrating as they require a high level of concentration and coordination. Practicing and mastering double unders can help build mental toughness and discipline necessary to succeed in other aspects of your CrossFit routine. Additionally, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with mastering double unders can help improve your overall mindset and motivation.

Incorporating double unders into your CrossFit routine can help take your fitness to the next level. Whether you are looking to improve your cardiovascular health, agility, muscular endurance, or mental toughness, double unders are a great addition to any workout routine. So grab your rope and start jumping!

Mastering the Double Under: Tips and Tricks

Double unders are a challenging but rewarding exercise that can take your fitness to the next level. Not only do they improve your cardiovascular endurance, but they also require coordination, timing, and strength. Here are some tips and tricks to help you master the double under.

Developing a Consistent Jumping Rhythm

One of the keys to mastering double unders is to develop a consistent jumping rhythm. Practicing with single unders can help develop the necessary rhythm for jumping and rotating the rope. It is also essential to focus on keeping a consistent jumping height, which can help with timing. To take this to the next level, try incorporating different types of jumps such as high knees or double jumps to challenge your rhythm and coordination.

Strengthening Your Core and Lower Body

Double unders require the use of core muscles and lower body strength. Strengthening these areas through exercises such as squats, lunges, and planks can help improve your ability to perform double unders. Additionally, incorporating exercises that specifically target your calves, such as calf raises, can help improve your jumping power and endurance.

Practicing with Single Unders

Practicing with single unders is a great way to improve your overall jumping technique and timing. Focusing on maintaining a consistent jumping height and wrist movement can translate to double unders. To make this exercise more challenging, try increasing the speed or adding in variations such as cross-overs or side swings.

Utilizing Progression Drills

Progression drills such as alternating between single unders and double unders can help improve your ability to perform double unders. Gradually increasing the number of double unders performed in a row can help build confidence and improve technique. Another progression drill to try is incorporating different types of jumps, such as double unders with a cross-over or alternating feet.

Incorporating these tips and tricks into your training routine can help you master the double under and take your fitness to the next level. Remember to always warm up before attempting any new exercises and to listen to your body to avoid injury. With practice and dedication, you can become a double under pro in no time!

Scaling Double Unders for Beginners

Double unders are a challenging exercise that require coordination, endurance, and practice. For beginners, it can be difficult to achieve the necessary skill and technique to perform double unders. However, there are several alternatives and strategies that can be used to scale double unders and build up to performing them.

Alternatives to Double Unders

For athletes who struggle with double unders, alternative exercises such as single unders, jumping jacks, or high knees can be used to achieve similar cardiovascular benefits. Single unders are a great starting point for beginners, as they help build coordination and endurance. Jumping jacks and high knees are also effective exercises that can help build strength and endurance in the legs.

It’s important for beginners to focus on building up their endurance and coordination before attempting double unders. Practicing these alternative exercises can help athletes build the necessary skills and strength to eventually perform double unders.

Incorporating Double Unders into Your WODs

If double unders are included in a WOD, but the athlete cannot perform them, they can replace double unders with a scaled exercise, such as single unders or jumping jacks, to continue building endurance and coordination. It’s important to remember that scaling is not a sign of weakness, but rather a way to build up to more advanced exercises.

As athletes progress and become more comfortable with double unders, they can gradually increase the number of double unders in their WODs. It’s important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard too quickly, as this can lead to injury.

Setting Realistic Goals and Tracking Progress

Setting realistic goals for mastering double unders, such as achieving 10 double unders in a row, can help build confidence and provide motivation for practicing. It’s important to remember that progress takes time, and that it’s okay to make mistakes along the way.

Keeping track of progress over time can also help identify areas of improvement and promote continued progress. This can be done through a workout journal, a fitness app, or simply by writing down your progress in a notebook. Celebrate your achievements along the way, and don’t forget to have fun!


Double unders are a challenging exercise that can provide significant benefits for athletes practicing CrossFit. By mastering the technique, incorporating the exercise into a regular routine, and scaling for beginners, athletes can improve their cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and muscular endurance. By using the tips and tricks outlined in this comprehensive guide and maintaining a consistent practice schedule, athletes can achieve their goals and continue to progress with double unders.

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